
Hi, my name is Dominic!

I'm a Student, Software Engineer, and Product Manager - welcome to my portfolio!

About Me

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me!
Dominic Pagan Headshot
Student, Software Engineer, Product Manager

Dominic Pagan

He/Him, They/Them

As a power-wheelchair bound, mixed Native American Indian(afro-indigenous) person, my life experiences have granted me a unique perspective that has allowed me to serve my community and positivly impact the world in ways I would have never expected. When I was 16, as a result of my academic career and extenuating circumstance, the University of Washingtonn granted me early admittance to study Computer Science and Mathematics. As a UW Sophmore I founded Cura AI, which shortly thereafter won as the best healthcare startup at the UW Dempsey Startup Competition. We were the youngest team in the competition with an average age under 20 between four founders. Beating out over 50 graduate students and several PhDs to win the best health innovation award granted by Cambia Grove. When I was in my junior year at UW I founded Qilo(pronounced /ˈkēlō/), during which I raised $250,000 over the combined Seed and Series A rounds of funding. From there I secured office space in South Lake Union, and embarked on my journey of attaining product market fit. I took a four year break from everything to spend time adapting to being a power-wheelchair bound person and focusing on my health. Now, I'm back at University of Washington to complete my Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Science: Data Science, Computer Science.

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Browse through my portfolio to get an overview of my involvment in diverse fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare Technology, Education Technology, and Software Development!
Image accompanying Circle testimonial
Cura AI logo

Cura AI

Cura AI is an award winning healthcare technology startup, backed by UW, that increases access to Pneumonia Diagnoses through leveraging deep learning . . .

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Image accompanying Kanba testimonial
Qilo logo


Qilo is an education technology startup, backed by CEO Keith Oelrich, offering a Gen-Z Educational Social Learning App . . .

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Image accompanying Treva testimonial Logo is my portfolio, but it is also a way for me to connect with potential clients who need my help to bring an idea to . . .

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See You Space Cowboy. . .
